Sunday, March 2, 2008

First taste of Kenya!

Our first taste of Kenya and we thought it looked a lot like Mexico. The people are beautiful here and I’m very anxious to meet the children tomorrow. Everyone was walking around in their best clothes since many of them were coming or going to church. Pauline pointed out the market place, which was closed, and other schools, churches and many other types of businesses. It’s not the same as in the US, here’s a picture of a dentist office!
Finally to Gideon’s and our first family picture! Muthama (James), Wenzi (Eric) and Grace were very quiet but very polite. I’m sure they will loosen up as we begin living with them! Chuck, Gideon, James and the two drivers unloaded the boxes while Pauline took me in the house to sit for a bit before lunch. Here I am with Gideon’s mother, ( mother in Kikamba is Mwaitu)- she’s over 100 years old, only speaks Kakambi but loved seeing her picture! Our first meal consisted of beans, maize and goat meat (like a stew) and it was very delicious! After lunch Pauline showed me to my room, which happens to be its own little house beside theirs! Here are a couple of pictures of it and you can see that compared to what I was expecting this is the Ritz! Hot water for the shower and a flushing toilet! The Lord prepared a place for us and Pauline and Gideon went to the trouble to create our own little home next to them! We were both falling asleep on the couch talking with Pauline and Gideon, but they were gracious enough to suggest a nap and we took them up on it! We slept for about an hour then it was time for dinner. Dinner consisted of what we didn’t eat at lunch and it was just as delicious! After dinner we had tea, just like the Brits! Their tea is made from boiled milk, tea and sugar. It’s very good and I think I’ll start making my tea that way at home! But Pauline is so sensitive to Chuck’s diabetes that she had them make separate tea without sugar just for him! We’ve only been here a few hours but Gideon and Pauline are so in love with the Lord that you can’t help but love them in return! I thank God for this opportunity not only to meet them but to bring their lives into awareness for others to see what poverty really is and how they are trying to help those less fortunate than themselves. We could all learn a lesson from them!

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