We took food to Mercy Child Foundation and the daktari came
with us to check on the medical condition of the children. Of course the boys loved the
truck the food came in and wanted a ride to the end of the driveway! Now they have food to last them a month – praise God for His providence! All the children have some sort of medical issue – whether it was cleaning wounds from jiggers (that’s the black spot on her foot), intestinal worms (you
can tell by the bloated stomach of this boy), ring worm or scabbies (this boy’s
hands were so swollen he couldn’t hold onto anything or move his fingers). The daktari handed out medicine, vitamins and lotions for Annastacia to dispense. Her bed was full of medicine and she was a little overwhelmed by how sick the children actually were and she had no idea nor did she have anyone to help her. We spent the entire day checking kids, doing malaria testing
(which several children had), stool samples (for worms), body check for scabbies (several children had these and they are very contagious so they go through the children fairly quickly) and just checking for general health issues. One child (3 years old) has rotten baby teeth and one girl was diagnosed with elephantitis. The issues here are on-going needs – yes food is needed, yes medical attention is needed, yes a father figure needs to be here for the boys, yes Annastacia should be paid for her work here, yes there should be more help, the list could go on. Please keep these children in your prayers as they have been living by God’s grace and mercy for so long, they need to see that someone cares for them. And by bringing food and medical attention that has been shown to them in a big way. Thank you for your continued support of these beautiful children.