She told me they are all doing well and getting ready to go back to school on Monday - yeah God!
They planted maize, skuma (spinach like veggie) and beans at Mercy and Annastacia said they had "a lot of rains" - yeah God!
Annastacia is feeling better after receiving malaria medication and cream for an eye allergy - yeah God!
I thanked her for her on-going strength and faithfulness to God and to the children at Mercy. It brings me much comfort knowing she is there loving the children and letting them know it is God who brings them providence through Saved By God's Grace. I told her how very much we love her and the children, and I pray she sees that by our continued support.
Annastacia said "I am very happy that you continue to care for us and have not forgotten us. I pray Jesus will meet your needs." A woman (she actually seems more my daughter) who has nothing but the love of Christ in her heart is praying for our needs to be met - it was a humbling prayer and I thank God for allowing me to be a part of Annastacia's life.
Please consider donating to Saved By God's Grace - may He meet your needs so you may help others through your abundance. Thank you for your support.
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